Welcome to Yiftee! We’re thrilled to have you on board and excited to support you in growing your local gift card program.
Your portal has already been set up and customized for you, and you should have received your login. As you get started, one of the most critical steps is engaging your local merchants. The more businesses that join your program, the more value your gift card will bring to the community. To kick things off, you need to send them “Activation Cards,” inviting them to participate. We recommend you start with your 5-10 most popular influential merchants – every community has its trend-setters!
First, you need to tell them about the program. Yiftee has provided you with an email message and a one pager to send them introducing your new Community Card so they’ll be on the lookout for their Activation Card to join linked below. Send those out using your email (since they won’t recognize @yiftee.com at first). Once you’ve uploaded your merchant list into your portal (login and go to “Manage Locations” to do that) you can click the button to send each merchant their unique Activation Card, which is a digital Mastercard pre-loaded with 10 cents. The merchants simply process that card as a manual entry Mastercard (for 10 cents or $1 – the latter will be “declined” but Yiftee gets the information we need to register the merchant). Merchants are agreeing to the Yiftee Community Card Merchant Agreement by processing the card to join.
By the end of your first week you should have your portal up and running with a handful of influential merchants live. Please feel free to reach out if you need any assistance (support@yiftee.com). You can also point your merchants to our support team to answer their questions. We’re here to help make this process as smooth as possible.
Looking forward to working together!
- Set-up Guide For Organizer
- Merchant Spreadsheet for uploading merchants
- Email template for introducing the program to your Merchants
- Marketing Kit Examples (below)
- Order a In Store Marketing Kit
- Merchant Intro Overview Document
- Merchant Onboarding video
- Merchant How to Redeem Document
- Marketing Best Practices
Our In Store Marketing Kits include window clings, table tents and consumer takeaways for your participating businesses. Yiftee will customize them and deliver them to you. They cost $600 and have enough materials for up to 100 merchants. Attached are examples of what the materials look like. If you're interested, please click here to order your marketing kit. You can also design your own materials using these free templates.
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